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Victor Amadeus II (Vittorio Amedeo Francesco; xiv May 1666[one] – 31 October 1732) was Knuckles of Savoy from 1675 to 1730. He besides held the titles of Prince of Piedmont, Duke of Montferrat, Marquis of Saluzzo and Count of Aosta, Moriana and Prissy.

Louis XIV organised his wedlock in social club to maintain French influence in the Duchy, but Victor Amadeus soon broke abroad from the influence of France. At his father's death in 1675, his mother, Marie Jeanne Baptiste of Nemours, was regent in the name of her ix-twelvemonth-sometime son and would remain in de facto power until 1684 when Victor Amadeus banished her further involvement in the country.[two]

Having fought in the State of war of the Spanish Succession, he became king of Sicily in 1713, but he was forced to exchange this title and instead became king of Sardinia.[iii]

Victor Amadeus left a considerable cultural influence in Turin, remodeling the Regal Palace of Turin, Palace of Venaria, Palazzina di caccia of Stupinigi, also every bit building the Basilica of Superga where he rests.[iv]

Victor Amadeus was born in Turin to Charles Emmanuel 2, Duke of Savoy and his second wife Marie Jeanne Baptiste of Nemours. Named after his paternal grandad Victor Amadeus I he was their only kid.[2] Every bit an infant he was styled every bit the Prince of Piedmont, traditional championship of the heir apparent to the duchy of Savoy. A weak child, his health was greatly monitored. Equally an infant he had a passion for soldiers and was noted as being very intelligent.[two]

His father died in June 1675 in Turin at the age of forty after a series of convulsive fevers.[5] His mother was alleged Regent of Savoy and, known as Madame Royale at courtroom, took power. In 1677, during her regency, she tried to suit a spousal relationship between Victor Amadeus and his outset cousin Infanta Isabel Luísa of Portugal, the presumptive heiress of her father, Peter Ii and Victor Amadeus' aunt. His mother urged him to hold to the marriage, every bit this would accept left Marie Jeanne permanently in command of the Duchy of Savoy equally Regent considering her son would have had to live in Portugal with his new wife. The duchy would and so revert to the Kingdom of Portugal at her expiry. Victor Amadeus refused, and a party was even formed which refused to recognise his leaving Savoy. Despite a wedlock contract being signed between Portugal and Savoy on fifteen May 1679,[half-dozen] the marriage between Victor Amadeus and the Infanta came to nix and was thus cancelled.

Other candidates included Maria Antonia of Austria, a Countess Palatine of Neuburg and Anna Maria Luisa de' Medici. Victor Amadeus was keen on the match with Tuscany and negotiations were kept secret from French republic fifty-fifty though the lucifer never happened. Under the influence of Louis Xiv and Marie Jeanne, Victor Amadeus was forced to marry a French princess Anne Marie d'Orléans. His mother was dandy on the match and had always promoted French interests having been built-in in Paris a member of a cadet branch of the House of Savoy.[7] He asked for Anne Marie'south paw in March 1684, Victor Amadeus, who had been using political allies to gain support to end his female parent'south grip on power, succeeded in 1684 when she was banished from farther influence in the state.[8]

Salt wars

A meaning effect of his mother'due south regency was the Table salt Wars of 1680. These rebellions were caused by the unpopular taxes on common salt in all cities in Savoy. The system had been put in place by Emmanuel Philibert, Knuckles of Savoy in order to raise money for the crown. The annual payment of a tax which had been in identify for over 100 years caused nifty discontent and rebellion finally bankrupt out in Mondovì, where the people refused to pay taxes to the emissary of Savoy, Andrea Cantatore di Breo. The unrest caused an army to exist sent to finish the unrest in the town, which was pacified quickly. Yet, in the boondocks of Montaldo, the unrest began over again and was more serious than earlier. 200 soldiers were killed in warfare which lasted for several days.

The news of these rebellions presently reached a wider scope and it became clear that shortly the whole of Piedmont was on the verge of defection. Power at this point nonetheless being with Victor Amadeus' mother, she ordered representatives of the town of Mondovì to become to Turin to conclude treaties and were cordially welcomed past the young Victor Amadeus, who agreed to the treaties. The result had allowed Victor Amadeus a chance to exert some ability.

Engraved by Pieter Stevens van Gunst after L. Bourdin, Portrait of Victor Amedée II, Duc de Savoye, ealry 18th century, engraving, Section of Image Collections, National Gallery of Art Library, Washington, DC.

Having succeeded in ending his female parent's power in Savoy, Victor Amadeus looked to his oncoming marriage with the youngest child of Philippe I, Knuckles of Orléans (brother of Louis XIV) and Henrietta of England. The contract of spousal relationship betwixt Anne Marie and the Duke of Savoy was signed at Versailles on ix Apr; On 10 Apr 1684, Anne Marie was married at Versailles, by proxy, to Victor Amadeus. The couple were married in person on 6 May 1684.

The Vaudois

At the urging of Louis, Victor Amadeus II began a large-scale persecution of the Vaudois (Piedmontese and Savoyard Protestants) in 1685. The state had been bankrupted due to diverse conflicts and a famine in 1679 which had used all last resources.[nine] Due to his alliances with England and the Dutch Democracy during the Nine Years' State of war, he was forced to stop this practice from 1688, and in 1694 granted an Edict of Toleration. However, in 1698 Louis Xiv forced him to expel all Protestant immigrants from Savoy in accordance with a treaty of 1696.[10]

During this catamenia he became anxious to free himself of domination past Louis, and his start sign of independence was his independent visit to Venice in 1687, where he conferred with Prince Eugene of Savoy and others. Louis discovered this and demanded that Victor Amadeus launch some other expedition against the Vaudois; he grudgingly complied, but as described below soon chose the allies countering France.[eleven]

Internal reforms

Victor Amadeus Two before 1732.

Victor Amadeus 2 undertook sweeping authoritative reforms within Savoy. In 1696 he established a arrangement of intendants, based on the French model, responsible for collecting taxes and law enforcement. In 1697 he began a land survey which was largely completed by 1711, the Perequazione, to examine the land holdings and privileges of the Church and nobility. In 1717 he reformed the secretariat organisation in Turin establishing individual secretaries for war, internal affairs and strange diplomacy. From the 1670s he also had a new authoritative zone built in Turin, effectually the ducal palace. This zone included a military academy, the ministry building of state of war, a mint, and a community house. This work was still ongoing upon his decease.

Victor Amadeus also undertook a number of military reforms. Ofttimes when one of his fundamental fortresses was under attack, he would replace its commanding officer with one of his most reliable and trusted leaders.[12] In 1690 he established a select militia within his territories, and he later overhauled the militia system in 1714 and strictly codification it. This included an obligation for each region under his dominion to provide a number of men for the militia based on population.[13] From 1713 he also began to establish his own navy based on the limited Sicilian naval forces he had been granted.

Victor Amadeus was able to utilise the experienced armies he developed in foreign wars to establish more than house command within his ain territories. Faced with rebellion past Mondovì at the finish of the century, he brought a forcefulness of veterans from the Nine Years War there and re-established his authority. He employed a similar strategy against an anti-taxation anarchism in Cigliano in 1724.[14]

Under his mother'due south regency Savoy, despite being a state of the Holy Roman Empire, was closely linked to and heavily dependent upon France, essentially becoming a French satellite. Victor Amadeus Two broke this link past joining alliances against France in both the Nine Years State of war and the War of the Castilian Succession.[xv] Savoy was considered a valuable ally in both wars due to its geographical position, enabling a 2d front to exist opened against France in the south.[16] Savoy relied heavily on foreign subsidies, particularly from England and the Dutch Republic, in both wars to maintain its armies.

Nine Years State of war

At the start of the Nine Years State of war, Savoy had iii regiments in the service of France in Flanders. Victor Amadeus struggled throughout the early part of the state of war to bring those troops back into his own use.[17] Part of the agreement he reached with the Grand Alliance against France was that they would enable him to recover Pinerolo,[15] which his predecessor and namesake had lost decades before. In 1692, he was the only fellow member of the Grand Alliance to bring the war to French lands, invading the Dauphiné. In 1695 and 1696, he secretly negotiated a separate treaty with Louis XIV of France which included the return of Pinerolo to Savoy.[18] Throughout the war, he profoundly increased the size of the regular army of Savoy from near 8500 to more than than 24000.[19]

Map of Western Europe in 1713, the Duchy of Savoy tin can be seen xanthous in the center

War of the Spanish Succession

During the War of the Spanish Succession, strange subsidies amounted for almost half of the acquirement raised by Savoy to fight the war. The finish of the Nine Years' War had helped to design a new remainder on the continent: at the death of the childless Charles II of Spain he left his throne to Philip, grandson of Louis Xiv. The volition stated that should Philip not accept it would go to his brother Charles. Victor Amadeus was himself in line to succeed, as a groovy-grandson of Infanta Catherine Michelle of Espana.[xx] As a result, Victor Amadeus expected compensation in the form of a territory which had been owned by the vast Spanish empire. Victor Amadeus had his eye on the Duchy of Milan which, having signed a treaty with Louis Xiv, had support in conquering the duchy. With the Treaty of Vigevano in October 1696, however Louis Fourteen's support waned.[20] Victor Amadeus afterwards allied himself with Emperor Leopold I.

England and Republic of austria ignored his claim, the latter of which had a candidate in the person of Archduke Charles, who immediately proclaimed himself Rex of Spain. The Grand Duke of Tuscany also ignored his claims. In the meantime he pursued the expansion of Savoy and bought diverse fiefdoms of the Holy Roman Empire.

Victor Amadeus was in a position where on most sides of Savoy was a Bourbon ruler, the enemy of Philip V, and he was forced to let French troops enter his lands in society to get Milan which Victor Amadeus had wanted and so greatly. Forced to marry himself again this time to Louis Fourteen and his grandson in Kingdom of spain, his girl Maria Luisa was used as a pawn to seal this alliance. His daughter after married Philip V in 1701.[21] In 1701, he fought bravely at the Boxing of Chiari, fought in the name of Bourbon control of Milan.[21] Past 1702, Victor Amadeus was considering irresolute allegiance to the emperor again having entered secret correspondence with the emperor who promised him the Duchy of Montferrat. In lodge to gratify him, the emperor increased his bribe, adding various territories in Lombardy, Victor Amadeus having ignored him.

In 1703, Victor Amadeus switched sides, joining the Grand Alliance equally he had in the Ix Years State of war.[22] Savoy fared especially badly confronting the larger French forces resulting in a siege of Turin in 1706.[23] Anne Marie'due south uncle, Louis 14 (along with Castilian forces from Anne Marie's second cousin Philip V of Spain), besieged Turin during the Battle of Turin. French troops were under the control of Anne Marie'southward one-half brother, the Duke of Orléans.[ citation needed ] She and her sons were forced to flee Turin with the grandmother for the rubber of Genoa.[24] Turin was saved by the combined forces of Victor Amadeus and Prince Eugene of Savoy in September 1706.[23]

As a result of his aid in the State of war of the Spanish Succession, Victor Amadeus Two gained the Kingdom of Sicily in 1713 under the Treaty of Utrecht which ended the war. Beingness crowned King of Sicily in Palermo in Dec 1713, he returned to Turin in September 1714.

As ruler of an independent kingdom and a key player in the contempo state of war, Victor Amadeus significantly expanded his foreign relations. Every bit a duke, he had envoys and embassies in France, the Empire, and Rome. In 1717, he established his own foreign part.[25]

Martin van Mytens, Portrait of Victor Amedeus II (1728/29), Reggia di Venaria

Victor Amadeus in 1720 was forced to exchange Sicily for the less important kingdom of Sardinia after objections from an brotherhood of four nations, including several of his former allies.[26] The knuckles was a marquis and Prince and Perpetual Vicar in the Holy Roman Empire.

Abdication and later years

Having done much to improve the land of his inheritance in 1684, Victor Amadeus took the decision to abdicate in September 1730. The previous month the solitary male monarch had lost most of his family unit, including his favourite and eldest son the Prince of Piedmont, and sought the security of a previous mistress Anna Canalis di Cumiana. The couple were married in a private ceremony on 12 Baronial 1730 in the Royal Chapel in Turin having obtained permission from Pope Clement XII. Still attractive in her forties, Victor Amadeus had long been in love with her and as a wedding gift, created her the Marchioness of Spigno.[27] The couple made their marriage public on iii September 1730 much to the dismay of the court. A calendar month later, Victor Amadeus announced his wish to abdicate the throne and did so in a ceremony at the Castle of Rivoli on the day of his marriage. His son succeeded him equally Charles Emmanuel III.

Taking the style of Male monarch Victor Amadeus, he and Anna moved into the château de Chambéry outside the capital. The couple took a small retinue of servants and Victor Amadeus was kept informed of matters of state. He insisted on having a Louis 14-style wig with him at all times equally his only luxury.

Under the influence of Anna, in 1731 having suffered a stroke, Victor Amadeus decided he wanted to resume his tenure on the throne and informed his son of his decision.[28] Arrested by his son, he was transported to the Castle of Moncalieri and Anna was taken to a house for reformed prostitutes at the Castle of Ceva but was later allowed to return to the Castle of Rivoli where her husband was moved. She was returned to him on 12 Apr. The stroke seemed to have affected Victor Amadeus in a way which caused him to later turn fierce towards his wife, blaming her for his misfortunes.[26]

King Victor Amadeus died in September 1732 and was buried in the Convent of San Giuseppe di Carignano. His son decided not to bury him in the Basilica of Superga which Victor Amadeus had congenital and where he asked to exist cached, as his son did not desire to remind the public of the scandal which his abdication had caused. Anna was moved to the Convent of the Visitation in Pinerolo where she died anile 88.[26]

Despite his political reforms and his passion for trying to increment the importance of Savoy in Europe, Victor Amadeus left a considerable cultural legacy in the city of his birth. In 1697 Victor Amadeus deputed Le Notre to lay out large gardens at the Palace of Turin where he had previously commissioned the Viennese Daniel Seiter to paint a famous gallery which exists to this 24-hour interval. Victor Amadeus afterwards had Seiter knighted. He also encouraged musical patronage in Savoy and the court became a middle for various musicians of the menstruum.

Existence crowned Male monarch of Sicily in Palermo in December 1713, he returned to Turin in September 1714. From Palermo he brought back Filippo Juvarra, an Italian architect who had spent many years in Rome.[29] Juvarra was patronised by Victor Amadeus and was the heed behind the remodelling of the Royal Palace of Turin, Palace of Venaria, Palazzina di caccia of Stupinigi likewise as building the Basilica of Superga. The architect was also responsible for various roads and piazza's in Turin. Victor Amadeus' female parent also used Juvarra for the famous staircase inside the Palazzo Madama where she lived later on being banished.[29]

In 1997 the UNESCO added a group of buildings which were connected to Victor Amadeus and his family to be added to have World Heritage status. These buildings including the Majestic Palace, the Palazzo Madama, the Palazzina di caccia of Stupinigi and his wife's Villa della Regina were grouped as the Residences of the Royal House of Savoy.[30]

His wife, Anne Marie d'Orléans.

His distant relationship with his mother was always strained and has been blamed on her ambition to keep ability to herself.[31] Marie Jeanne spent most of her time relegated to land business which she enjoyed and had little time for her only child whom she kept under shut supervision in order to make certain he would endeavour to assume ability.[31] Anne Marie gave her husband six children simply also had two stillbirths of each gender, one in 1691 and again in 1697. 3 of these children would go along to take further progeny, including the eldest Maria Adelaide, who was the mother of Louis Fifteen of French republic. His 2nd daughter Maria Luisa, known in the family as Louison, would marry Philip V of Spain in 1701 and was also regent of Spain for various periods. These two marriages were tactics used by Louis XIV to proceed Victor Amadeus close to France prior to the War of the Castilian Succession.[32]

Anne Marie would remain a devoted married woman. She quietly accepted his extramarital affairs; the longest one being with the famed dazzler Jeanne Baptiste d'Albert de Luynes past whom he had ii children. Jeanne Baptiste was his mistress for 11 years and eventually fled Savoy due to Victor Amadeus' obsession with her. Victor Amadeus later on had his girl with Jeanne Baptiste, Maria Vittoria, marry the Prince of Carignano from which the present Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples is a direct descendant.[33] His favourite kid was Victor Amadeus born in 1699 and given the title Prince of Piedmont as heir apparent. The Prince of Piedmont later died in 1715 from smallpox.[34] Anne Marie died in 1728 after a serial of centre attacks.[35]

His relationship with his younger son and eventual successor Charles Emmanuel was a common cold ane and the 2 were never close.[36] Victor Amadeus organised the starting time two marriages of Charles Emmanuel, the showtime ane being to Anne Christine of Sulzbach, daughter of the Count Palatine of Sulzbach, which produced a son who died in infancy.[37] The second marriage was to Polyxena of Hesse-Rotenburg, a first cousin of Anne Christine and mother of six children, including the future Victor Amadeus III of Sardinia.[27]

Legitimate issue

  • Maria Adelaide of Savoy (1685–1712), married Louis, Duke of Burgundy, eldest son of Louis, Grand Dauphin, and had issue including Louis XV of France;
  • Maria Anna of Savoy (1687–1690);
  • Maria Luisa of Savoy (1688–1714), married Philip V of Spain, second son of Louis, 1000 Dauphin, and had outcome including two kings of Kingdom of spain;
  • Victor Amadeus of Savoy (1699–1715) died single;
  • Charles Emmanuel of Savoy (1701–1773), the side by side Knuckles of Savoy and King of Sardinia;
  • Emanuele Philibert of Savoy (1705–1705) died in infancy.

Illegitimate issue

  • Maria Vittoria of Savoy (1690–1766), married Victor Amadeus I, Prince of Carignano and had event;
  • Vittorio Francesco of Savoy (1694–1762), married Maria Lucrezia Franchi di Pont, had no effect.

  1. ^ Oresko 2004, p. 23.
  2. ^ a b c Symcox 1983, p. 69.
  3. ^ Storrs 1999, p. 160. sfn error: no target: CITEREFStorrs1999 (help)
  4. ^ Symcox 1983, p. 78.
  5. ^ Frézet 1827, p. 594. sfn mistake: no target: CITEREFFrézet1827 (assistance)
  6. ^ Oresko 2004, p. 35.
  7. ^ Ragnhild 1997, p. 334.
  8. ^ Oresko 2004, p. 37.
  9. ^ Symcox 1983, p. 92.
  10. ^ Storrs 1999, p. 147. sfn error: no target: CITEREFStorrs1999 (help)
  11. ^ Chisholm 1911.
  12. ^ Storrs 1999, p. 29. sfn mistake: no target: CITEREFStorrs1999 (help)
  13. ^ Storrs 1999, p. 36-37. sfn error: no target: CITEREFStorrs1999 (help)
  14. ^ Storrs 1999, p. 21. sfn error: no target: CITEREFStorrs1999 (assistance)
  15. ^ a b Storrs 1999, p. 1. sfn error: no target: CITEREFStorrs1999 (aid)
  16. ^ Storrs 1999, p. 6. sfn fault: no target: CITEREFStorrs1999 (help)
  17. ^ Storrs 1999, p. 32. sfn error: no target: CITEREFStorrs1999 (help)
  18. ^ Storrs 1999, p. 2. sfn error: no target: CITEREFStorrs1999 (help)
  19. ^ Storrs 1999, p. 24. sfn mistake: no target: CITEREFStorrs1999 (assist)
  20. ^ a b Storrs 1999, p. 134. sfn fault: no target: CITEREFStorrs1999 (assist)
  21. ^ a b Symcox 1983, p. 139.
  22. ^ Storrs 1999, p. 128. sfn mistake: no target: CITEREFStorrs1999 (help)
  23. ^ a b Storrs 1999, p. 27. sfn error: no target: CITEREFStorrs1999 (help)
  24. ^ Storrs 1999, p. three-iv. sfn fault: no target: CITEREFStorrs1999 (aid)
  25. ^ Storrs 1999, p. 122-126. sfn error: no target: CITEREFStorrs1999 (assist)
  26. ^ a b c Symcox 1983, p. 232.
  27. ^ a b Symcox 1983, p. 229.
  28. ^ Symcox 1983, p. 231.
  29. ^ a b Oresko 2004, p. 43-44.
  30. ^ "Residences of the Royal House of Savoy". Archived from the original on 1 December 2010. Retrieved 21 September 2010.
  31. ^ a b Symcox 1983, p. 70.
  32. ^ Vitelleschi 1905, p. 390, vol. Ii. sfn error: no target: CITEREFVitelleschi1905 (help)
  33. ^ Oresko 2004, p. 44.
  34. ^ Oresko 2004, p. 40.
  35. ^ Vitelleschi 1905, p. 495, vol. II. sfn error: no target: CITEREFVitelleschi1905 (assist)
  36. ^ Symcox 1983, p. 74.
  37. ^ Vitelleschi 1905, p. 482, vol. 2. sfn error: no target: CITEREFVitelleschi1905 (help)
  38. ^ Genealogie ascendante jusqu'au quatrieme degre inclusivement de tous les Rois et Princes de maisons souveraines de 50'Europe actuellement vivans [Genealogy up to the fourth degree inclusive of all the Kings and Princes of sovereign houses of Europe currently living] (in French). Bourdeaux: Frederic Guillaume Birnstiel. 1768. p. 24. (for ancestors up to #15)

  • The Gentleman'due south and London magazine: or monthly chronologer, 1741–1794, J. Exshaw., 1741
  • Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Victor Amedeus II.". Encyclopædia Britannica. 28 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 28.
  • Anselme de Sainte-Marie, Père (1726). Histoire généalogique et chronologique de la maison royale de France [Genealogical and chronological history of the royal business firm of France] (in French). i (tertiary ed.). Paris: La compagnie des libraires.
  • Frézet, Jean: Histoire de la Maison de Savoie, Volume two, Alliana et Paravia, 1827
  • Oresko, Robert (2004). "Maria Giovanna Battista of Savoy-Nemours (1644–1724): daughter, consort, and Regent of Savoy". In Campbell Orr, Clarissa (ed.). Queenship in Europe 1660–1815: The Role of the Consort. Cambridge Academy Press. pp. xvi–55. ISBN0-521-81422-vii.
  • Ragnhild, Marie Hatton (1997). Imperial and republican sovereignty in early on modernistic Europe. Cambridge University Press. ISBN0-521-41910-7.
  • Storrs, Christopher: War, diplomacy and the rise of Savoy, 1690-1720, Cambridge University Press, 1999, ISBN 0-521-55146-3
  • Symcox, Geoffrey (1983). Victor Amadeus II: absolutism in the Savoyard Country, 1675–1730. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN978-0-520-04974-1.
  • Vitelleschi, Marchese: The romance of Savoy, Victor Amadeus 2. and his Stuart bride Book I, Harvard College Library, New York, 1905
  • Vitelleschi, Marchese: The romance of Savoy, Victor Amadeus 2. and his Stuart bride Book II, Harvard College Library, New York, 1905

  • Media related to Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia at Wikimedia Eatables

Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia

House of Savoy

Born: 14 May 1666 Died: 31 October 1732
Regnal titles
Preceded by
Charles Emmanuel II
Duke of Savoy
Succeeded past
Charles Emmanuel III
Preceded by
Emperor Charles VI
King of Sardinia
Preceded past
Philip Five of Kingdom of spain
King of Sicily
Succeeded by
Emperor Charles VI
