Although teachers perform superhuman feats every mean solar day, the fact is we are simply human. And beingness human inevitably results in embarrassing moments. Unfortunately for u.s., they sometimes happen in a classroom total of young, impressionable witnesses. Here are three categories of humiliating (and in hindsight, hilarious!) embarrassing teacher mistakes from my own experience, along with my communication for how to recover if they happen to you.

Slips of the natural language


Slips of the tongue have varying levels of significance depending on the sensation and historic period of the students, the specific words accidentally uttered, the intent behind the words, and the volume at which they were spoken. The recovery from a sideslip of the natural language depends on the human relationship between all of these factors.

Strategy #1: Pretend information technology never happened

After I announced my elopement in my third year of instruction, a student in 10th or 11th grade asked me if my married man and I were planning to have children. I replied flippantly (equally I had to my family members), "Not yet, merely practicing." Realizing my faux pas and unsure if she defenseless information technology, with the luck of a well-timed bell, I said "Ok, so, see you lot tomorrow." The moment was never mentioned again. The all-time recovery in that situation was pretending that slip never happened.

Strategy #2: Encompass it upwardly with clever give-and-take play

In another state of affairs, covering upwardly a slip of the tongue may be easier than pretending information technology never happened. Accidental expletives tin be disguised. For instance, "Shiitake Mushrooms!" or "Fox in Socks!" comprise endings that quickly replace an NSFS (not-safe-for-school) four-letter word.

Clumsy moments


In increasingly crowded classrooms, maneuvering among students and their belongings has get quite the hazard. In some of my classes, I have 30 about-grown young adults with haversack, lunch boxes, purses, and, frequently, large instrument cases. Circulating during tests and returning papers has turned into a some sort of country-line trip the light fantastic toe configuration of slide, spin, hop, and twist.

Strategy #i: Laugh information technology off

During one class period, my human foot caught a folder and haversack strap, sending me both sliding and lurching forwards as a stack of papers flew from my easily. I landed on my abdomen, artillery out, in some sort of flying super-hero pose. The whole class gasped, holding their collective breaths until I started laughing. They then felt they could laugh, too.

When you have the ability to express mirth at yourself, information technology teaches your students that y'all accept your own imperfections, and they are allowed to as well.

Strategy #2: Just own it

In that same grade not more than than a month later, I went to take my seat every bit the form ended. Unfortunately, I sat a little too high up on the tilt-able office chair. As I flipped over backward and my head slammed into the wall, I let fly 1 of those involuntary verbal emissions that accompanies such an incident.

Admittedly,  I did not recover from this experience as gracefully. I curled into a fetal position under my desk-bound every bit the bell rang to dismiss class. Two girls were and then frightened, they took off to get the nurse. Although I was physically ok, I was mortified—more at the curse I accidentally blurted than at my fall. Only because the potential seriousness of the situation, I let myself off the hook. And so did my students.

Wardrobe malfunctions


Some number of years agone, a musical superstar experienced a wardrobe malfunction while performing at the biggest televised football game event of the year. Although teachers perform on a much smaller stage, such malfunctions in the classroom are no less scandalous or shame-inducing. I experienced one such incident in my first year of teaching.

Strategy #one: Take cover

In an effort to bond with my loftier schoolhouse freshman, I was engaging in a small dance competition with a student as they returned from luncheon. My participation was sick-advised since I was wearing a pencil skirt that might have become a bit snug. All of a sudden, I heard a rip and felt a breeze articulate to my waist on my back side. I immediately backed up to the wall and grabbed my suit jacket to tie around my waist.

Strategy #two: Once more, express joy it off

As the giggling began, I became grateful for two things: my sense of sense of humor and my school's extra clothing stash. I sent a daughter with my general size information to grab a skirt or pair of slacks for me (which meant she had to explain what had happened to another adult).

From this wardrobe malfunction incident I learned to keep an extra prepare of acceptable work clothing with me. Unfortunately, I did non pass on this advice to my all-time coworker friend who split up his pants in the heart of class i day and spent the rest of the day teaching American literature wearing a pair of running shorts with his button downwards.

Recovering from teacher blunders can be ego-bruising for sure,  only don't worry—embarrassing teaching mistakes happen to all of united states and nosotros all survive.