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Letters to the Editor, March 19

Riffle Blowers and COVID-19

During this meter of the Coronavirus causation the soul-quarantine and the restrictions imposed aside the government, state and the town of Montclair, I think up it is urgent to ban the expend of leaf blowers at this time.

Leaf blowers motivate into the air clouds of grunge, dust and dangerous contaminants: volatile compounds, mold and flora spores, weed seeds, insect egg, pollen, molecules of the myriads of poisonous chemicals people spray and sprinkle on their gardens, trees, and lawns, not to mention bird and rodent feces, and more.  They very well could atomic number 4 diffusing the computer virus atomic number 3 well. Personally, I do not desire any of the above-mentioned things blown into the air and into my windows and non know the dangers that it might cause spreading the virus. Landscapers shouldn't even be outside not to mention posing a health risk to the residents and themselves victimisation these toxic machines.

The fact is it's better to be safe than dark. This is a no brainer.  Stop the use of leaf blowers now and stringently enforce it. Do not risk spreading the computer virus by allowing their use at this time.

I desire the appropriate action is taken to protect our community and keep every house physician healthy and safe.

Yvonne Layden


Cancel council meeting, rent control initiative during crisis

Dear Mr. City manager and other members of the Township Council,

We are requesting a postponement of the March 24 meeting to consider rent control. As we entirely have vulnerable loved ones due to the coronavirus, it would be irresponsible to bring the profession together at this time.

The ongoing coronavirus has successful attending at public meetings possibly unsafe to the wellness of attendees. At that place is without doubt that some who would similar to attend the March 24 get together will equal demoralised from doing so past the threat to their wellness.

At once when schools are closing and athletic events and other large gatherings are being cancelled, it seems unreliable to defend a public meeting that might otherwise be well-attended. Montclair has survived many years without rent control. Cannot it act so for a couple of more months?

I am distressed aside this matter appearing on the Township Council schedule at this meeting for 2 reasons: First, the visual aspect of this matter connected the March 24 agenda was not made known to Montclair attendees of the Council's March on 10 coming together, nor through mention in either the Montclair Local or the Montclair Times. Moreover, we understand that the Town Council has retained a attorney who has drafted a 17-page ordinance for the Council's consideration at that get together. Particularly in get off of the fact that cardinal previous referenda spurned the establishment of rent control in Montclair, it is voiceless to escape the conclusion that this is an endeavor to overcome the likely volition of the voters in Montclair through a rush and monarchic process.

For these reasons, I conceive the discussion of such an important substance should glucinium delayed until the threat from the coronavirus has abated. Doing otherwise would reinforce the appearance that the Town Council is trying to Ram done an ordination that may not reflect the wishes of the majority of voters in Montclair and that deserves inundated and frankfurter discussion by the Township as a whole.

Give thanks you for your thoughtful consideration of the supra.

Paul Weingarten

Why are we allowing Trump's barbarous discourse of immigrants at the border?

The Trump administration is rolling punt policies that protect the environs, housing rights, healthcare, nonage voting rights, women's reproductive rights, unrestricted education and more.  However, of all Trump's horrible policies, his actions at the border are the to the highest degree repulsive.

Twenty five months give passed since the Trump administration implemented the separation of minors at the border (January, 2018). Since then a dozen children have died under Impost and Moulding Patrol (CBP) or Crank custody due to lack of resources, training or laziness.  I would say lack of humanity. On that point were also reports of children being caged who were taking care of each other, acknowledged frozen sandwiches for tiffin and dinner, not being allowed to commune with relatives, spending months without knowing wherefore they could non see their parents, and being drugged in society to stop the crying.  Several were put back in Stephen Collins Foste tending, CBP and ICE designedly losing the information about who brought the children to the US, making the reunification difficult surgery impossible. Many immigrants were denied access to wellness care and many others were returned to Mexico where they have been robbed, raped and killed.

Wherefore are we allowing altogether this?

Is it because of the standardization of family separation through incarceration?  Is it because we consider immigrants non deserving of the unvarying rights A Americans? If you are intuitive feeling outraged by this, there are plenty of things that you tail do. First, register to vote on Nov. 5.  Second, volunteer some of your time to work with organizations that work with immigrants. Finally, learn about the campaign to layover Essex County from renewing its get with ICE. Please get involved; we are allowing ugly policies to be enforced by being bystanders.

Maria Eva Dorigo

Freeborn the civil detainees

We have a national State of Emergency and Governor Murphy has declared a state of emergency for Parvenu Jersey. Essex County has canceled most if not whol public, group events in an effort to keep residents as safe as possible.  The county could take one further step towards public safety away temporarily freeing the 800 immigrants that it presently holds in civil detention in the Newark jail. This is civilian, not criminal detention; they are non currently being held under any criminal charges.  Thousands of mass cross our southern abut fleeing countries that wealthy person get uninhabitable. ICE imprisons as many as it tail end find beds for, largely for the 'law-breaking' of wanting a better life. Some finish up in civilian detainment, as the Best administration has made applying for institution increasingly difficult and for many, unendurable.

Jails toilet become Petri dishes for all kinds of diseases.  In 2018, the DHS publicised a scathing report on insanitary conditions in the kitchen, cells and bathrooms at the Newark imprison.  The county says complete those problems have been corrected. But divagation from the $40+ million a year contract that the county has with ICE, there is still no indigence to hold hoi polloi in polite detention during a wellness crisis.  At the root of March, Iran temporarily released 54,000 prisoners as a precautionary measure; I'm pretty sure Essex County can deal with 800. In NYC there are thousands of people wearing ankle bracelets World Health Organization show up on a regular basis for their monthly Deoxyephedrine check-ins.  Even the ankle bracelets would be preferred to doing nothing and waiting for the 1st detainee to get dizzy… and the next, and the next.

This is a humanitarian disaster waiting to happen. Our elected officials must take action before it does.

Jim Price

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